On this perfectly still and hazy morning... / by Basia McAuley

The most important factor of photography is light. It’s all about the light, and sometimes, to be honest - the lack of it. This is the main reason why I try and schedule my outdoor photo session at times of low light - either just at or after sunrise (strong coffee in hand) or before sunset.

These times during the day create beautiful, even skin tones, inspiring colours in the sky and from time to time amazing back-light!

So, when planning this summer photo session, I had to consider that this amazing mum lives a long way away, has 3 babies and is also expecting twinnies! But, being the super-mum that she is, she insisted on booking a dawn photo session to capture the best light, and still managed to arrive 10 minutes early!

A little off topic but as we are all aware, Australia has suffered devastating bushfires and apart from all the devastation, it has resulted in many days where we are clouded in heavy smoke and hazy conditions.

Well this was one of these days!

The plan was to capture the colours and back light of the sunrise. Instead we were greeted with the absence of the sun, heavy haze and the perfect stillness in the morning air. Combining the low light and the hazy stillness of the morning with this Super Mumma and her babies - this session was a dream!